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World Events

The War on Cash – One Giant Leap Forward For Government

The European Payments Council (EPC), a subdivision of the European Central Bank, is taking one giant step forward in their quest to eliminate all cash to increase...

Run on Dallas Pension Fund – Mayor Asks To Suspend Withdrawals

The Mayor of Dallas, Mike Rawlings, sent a letter on the 29th asking for an immediate suspension of lump-sum withdrawals from the Dallas Police and Fire Pension...

Every Household in California Owes $93,000 to Pay for State Pensions

Stanford University has been tracking the cost of pensions in California. So while there is a movement starting to separate from the United States especially since...

Propaganda – How Bad American Press Has Become

The release of Newsweek’s now famous Madam President before the election was decided is a mistake that is not intentional. “Dewey Defeats Truman”...

Venezuelan Hyperinflation

The Venezuelean hyperinflation is the direct result of what happens when the general population loses all confidence in the government. The current hyperinflation...

Erdogan Admits He is Engaging in War Against Syria

Erdogan has admitted that he is invading Syria to depose Assad’s government. We reported back on August 25th, 2016 that this was the most likely outcome of...

BBC Caught Fabricating News to Start a War The press has been routinely creating fake news reports to start a war. This is a serious issue...

Washington Post Keeping Up Propaganda

The Washington Post was once respected for this is where Woodward & Berstein broke the story of Watergate that took down Richard Nixon. But their endorsement of...

Cash is for Criminals – Taxing Cash Withdrawals from ATMs

We are entering a very dark phase in this battle to retain our liberty. A proposal now being whispered behind the curtain in Europe is to impose a tax on...

Jill Stein Getting Rich Off of Exploiting The Election

The Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein officially handed in a petition Friday asking election officials in the battleground state of Wisconsin to perform...