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World Events

Moody’s Lowers Credit Rating of China to Negative from Stable

Moody’s lowered its outlook on China’s credit rating stable to negative. We have been warning that our models on China indicate that the bottom in the...

Australia Joins Crowd Advocating Electronic Money

The Central Bank of Australia, known as the Reserve Ban, has come out bluntly and stated that it is entirely possible that Australia will end physical notes and...

TTIP: Will it Fail?

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, Your article on the trend set in motion with reference to Trump was fantastic. The world and how it ticks is truly fascinating, your...

Survey Confirms People Trust Business More Than Government

I have stated that Trump is the symptom and he is soaring because confidence in government is collapsing. The 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer, an annual global survey...

Collapse of the EU – Is it Inevitable?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The World Economic Conference was outstanding. Your theme that Europe was the focal point for the coming chaos has been proven valid with...

Does the IMF Follow our Forecasts?

COMMENT: Marty; it is clear that the IMF is reading your forecasts. No such agency has the power to provide any economic forecast whatsoever. The IMF is starting to...

Politics – Trump – BREXIT

Some people have asked if I am a Republican or Democrat/ Labour or Tory. Both political sides are wrong. They pander to their core constituents using the social...

Why Largarde Stayed at the IMF? To Increase its Global Power

Christine Lagarde Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund spoke at the IMF Arab Fiscal Forum: Fiscal Policy and Growth in Abu Dhabi on February 22,...

Is Any Asset Safe?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I have been following your blog for several years and attended your “Cycles of War” presentation in Philadelphia. It has been...

BREXIT on Schedule

QUESTION: I attended your May 1999 seminar in London. I am the person who asked you when would Britain exit the EU. You said not before 2016. Can you elaborate on...