I returned from Berlin dressed casually in jeans for the overnight flight. I was so busy with meetings I hadn’t the time to even buy a t-shirt. When I...
Russia has sent its most sophisticated tanks to the front line in Syria. The T-90 tanks are swaddled in explosive armor, causing most weapons used against them to...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO29xfBJ6KQ Marine Le Pen states with absolute clarity that this is by no means a war against terrorism — it is a war against...
Many articles are highlighting the censorship of the press in the International New York Times. An article criticizing Thailand’s generals for shooting the...
We have been receiving reports from people on the ground in Turkey that NATO ships are now docked there and appear to be enforcing perhaps a blockade or a show of...
We warned last February that the cornerstone of the EU — the freedom of movement to create the United States of Europe — would collapse. This effort to...
It has now been reported that 10 ISIS members entered into Thailand last month with the purpose of attacking Russian interests based upon a leaked Thai police...
To understand what is really behind the curtain regarding the Middle East, ISIS, Turkey, and the USA’s strategic attempt to reduce Russia’s control over...
COMMENT: You forecasted a world war. What my generation only looks back at through a historical looking glass in an attempt to isolate the starting events of...
COMMENT: Mr Armstrong; I am a reformed goldbug who was naive to put it mildly but my wife called it stupidity. You have been correct and they have been wrong but...