World Events
Maunder Minimum Petri Dish of Political Change
July 12, 2015
The global warming pseudo-scientists are desperately trying to keep their funding. Now these con artists are trying to claim that that the oceans’ surface water...
Forecasts World EventsThe Lesson for the World Coming from Greece
July 8, 2015
PHOTO: Distraught 77-year-old Greek retiree, Giorgos Chatzifotiadis, falls to the ground outside of a bank in Thessaloniki, July 3, 2015. (AFP: Sakis Mitrolidis)...
European Union Sovereign Debt CrisisChicago Considering a 30% Property Tax Increase to Pay Govt. Pensions
July 8, 2015
COMMENT: Couldn’t help myself – I must share this personal story with your team and the blog readers. After reading Martin for just about a year, I began...
North America Q&A Real Estate The Hunt for Taxes USA Current EventsECB & Troika Retaliate Against Greek People
July 6, 2015
Some readers sent in comments that my use of the phrase “World War III by economic means using the pen” was harsh, so let me state this very clearly. Brussels...
European Union World EventsThere is Only One Way Out For Greece
July 6, 2015
Brussels has been dead wrong. The stupid idea that the euro will bring stability and peace, as it was sold from the outset, has migrated to European domination as...
Europe's Economic History European Union Sovereign Debt CrisisThe Audacity of Lagarde – Exempt From Taxes
July 6, 2015
The audacity of Christine Lagarde, who insulted the Greeks by categorizing the whole nation as tax cheats, is up there with Trump calling all Mexicans drug dealers....
European Union The Hunt for TaxesThe Greek Referendum
July 5, 2015
Voting today began at 7 AM local time in Greece and will continue until 9 PM. The polls show a virtually even split. We are likely going to see civil war unfold in...
European Union Sovereign Debt CrisisA Letter to the FT From a 21-Year-Old Greek
July 4, 2015
The cold-hearted bastards who want to rule the world should just for once realize it is not all about them. This is part of letter to the FT. We are plagued by...
European Union Sovereign Debt CrisisRussia Reinterprets the Legality of the Break up of the Soviet Union
July 4, 2015
Crafting laws where you can check-in but never leave seems to be what’s good for Europe, and Russia has taken note. This is the problem with law. It can be...
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