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World Events

NHS Sets Gender Care Age Limit to Seven

Some kids dream of being princesses when they grow up, but we do not strategically marry them off to older men to secure new lands. If a child wants to be a...

Ramaswamy has Near Fatal Plane Accident

There is a price to pay for going against the global elite. I reported how GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy sued the World Economic Forum and won. Shortly...

Ramaswamy Sued the WEF and Won

This story has not gained enough attention. GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy took on the globalist elite of the World Economic Forum (WEF) for “creating a...

European Companies Lost Over €100 Billion on Russia Amid War

The Financial Times estimates that European companies have lost at least €100 billion ($110 billion) since the Russia-Ukraine war began. Around 176 European...

Marines Deployed as US-Iran Tensions Rise

World War III continues to heat up as the US Marines have been deployed to the Strait of Hormuz. The military also plans to deploy F-16 and F-35 warplanes and an...

Wikipedia is now Officially Government Propaganda DO NOT DONATE ANYTHING

Larry Sanger, one of the founders of Wikipedia, states plainly it is now all propaganda DO NOT DONATE TO...

Iran and Belarus Ramp Up Drone Production

Russia has compared the recent attack on Moscow’s financial district to 9/11 due to the civilian casualties. Both Ukraine and Russia have experienced mass...

US Credit Rating & the Sovereign Debt Crisis

QUESTION: What do you make of the US debt downgrade? Do you think this has anything to do with indicting Trump in three courts? I know many people decided to donate...

WEF Agenda 2030


Democrats Knew About the Biden Crime Family

The story began by claiming Joe Biden had never once contacted Hunter’s business associates. There was a video circulating for years of Joe Biden bragging about...