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World Events

The Russia-Africa Summit

Putin invited numerous African leaders to St. Petersburg, where they discussed strengthening their alliance. The Russia-Africa summit gave Moscow a platform to show...

Schwab’s Daughter Confirms COVID was a Precursor to Climate Lockdowns

Nicole Schwab, the offspring of World Economic Forum mastermind Klaus Schwab, admitted that COVID was simply a precursor for coming climate lockdowns. In the leaked...

The Biden Administration From Hell

I have dealt with governments around the world. NEVER in my entire career have I EVER witnessed an administration so intent upon pushing a dictatorial regime that...

Converting El Niño into Climate Change to Further the Agenda 2030

COMMENT: All of a sudden, El Niño is proof of global warming, just like the wildfires in Australia and California, as if these things never happened before. The...

Can Cryptocurrencies Survive in an Authoritarian World?

QUESTION: Thanks for all the great information you share. I have a question regarding cryptocurrencies. Do you think all countries will try to abolish crypto or...

Propaganda – Scrubbing the Internet of the Truth

Any article about Ukrainian War Crimes against Russians is being removed from the internet. Once again, we are witnessing propaganda on a grand scale. In any war,...

Finestein Shows She Cannot Make Decisions – California’s Finest?

  It was Finestine who called Edward Snowden a Traitor. ANYONE who called Snowden a Traitor is not worthy of being even a...

CBDC & the Fall of Western Society

  QUESTION: You said that when Rome fell it took 700 years before gold coins reappeared. Are we facing something like that again? PO ANSWER: Yes, when Rome...

The Bankers Who Are De-Banking Those They Just Disagree With

  I want to stress that I have been getting emails that the same trend is emerging in the United States. Some banks have embraced WOKE, and with it, they are...