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World Events

UN’s Plan to Rule the World – The Summit for the Future & End of Individualism

  Klaus Schwab is a control freak in how he runs the World Economic Forum. Make a single mistake and you are in trouble. Schwab seeks perfection and he is...

The US Govt Seizing Farmland under Eminent Domain

The US government is seizing farmland in South Dakota and no one is discussing it. Summit Carbon Solutions is building a pipeline through northeast South Dakota...

US Govt Seizing Custody of Trans Kids

Across America, parents are losing custody of their children for not adhering to the woke agenda. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the founders of the CEI woke...

PRIVATE BLOG – Beware of Nuclear War

PRIVATE BLOG – Beware of Nuclear War Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Pentagon: $6.2 BILLION in Ukraine Aid Missing Due to Accounting Error

The nation was distracted by the 24/7 news coverage about the submarine that went missing while cruising around to see the Titanic. It seems that there is always a...

War & Justice Premiere this Weekend in Munich

Premier in Munich this Weekend   I was trying to free up my schedule to fly to Munich for the Premier this weekend. This is an important film. It is about the...

When Will the World Wake Up?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It makes no sense for Poland to support Ukraine when they refused to ever apologize for their slaughter of 100,000 of us in their ethnic...

The Most Expensive Climate Initiative in US History

  Five years ago today, Greta’s handlers announced that the world would end on this precise date. All of humanity would be wiped out entirely. Yet, here we...

Student Loan Forgiveness Promise Backfires

The student loan forgiveness plan backfired plain and simple. Payments were frozen three years ago in March 2020 under the CARES Act when countless people were out...

NATO – The Greatest Threat to Europe & the World

We have all seen those videos of Killer Whales playing with their prey before killing it. This is sadly what is taking place with NATO. All these people do is...