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World Events

Government’s Rule #1 – There are no Rules in time of Need

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; With Mexico pushing to nationalize mines claiming it is targeting lithium, many see this law as opening the door to seizing all mines. You...

Bank Failures – A Push for CBDC?

Monday saw the largest banking failure in the US since 2008 after First Republic went under, marking the third death of a US bank this year. Regulators took...

The Rule of Law – BEWARE Crypto-Lovers

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I think it might be helpful to explain to people that the government can subpoena any third party with regard to cryptocurrencies and they...

Government Corruption is Unprecedented

COMMENT: Hi Martin Thanks largely to you, my family and I never took the covid vaccines. You are/were right that the Covid pandemic was a scam. However, today, I...

WEF & Google Conspire Against the People

  There is nobody on our side in anything. All they are doing is manipulating society for their own agenda. They refuse to allow any debate and this is part of...

Sudan – The Russian Connection and New Proxy War

Sudan is the new site for the ongoing proxy war between Russia and the West, reminiscent of the Syrian conflict. The media had turned a blind eye to the internal...

Zelensky Selling State Assets to Line His Pockets Before Fleeing to Miami

Zelensky is slick. He is now lining his pockets with the goal of becoming a billionaire when he flees to his estate in Miami. He is now trying to sell off all state...

Trudeau Claims He Never Forced COVID Vaccinations

Schwab’s favorite Young Leader is rewriting recent history by claiming he never forced the COVID vaccinations on the public. WHAT?! This man prevented people from...