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World Events

Tik Tok v WEF

A lot of people have bought into the idea that Tik Tok should be banned because a Chinese guy started it. The argument seems to center on the idea that China can be...

Why The Sudden Move to Ban TikTok? Congress Wages War on Free Speech

@doctoryoun Now is the time to fight the ban on TikTok. Contact your senators and house members, sign the online petition, and encourage your fave influencers to...

Peace in the Middle East – China Brokers Saudi Arabia-Iran Peace Treaty

China accomplished a once unthinkable feat — a peace treaty between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The two countries have been sworn enemies since the beginning of...

PRIVATE BLOG – Banking Crisis & Deutsche Bank & The Real Central Bank

PRIVATE BLOG – Banking Crisis & Deutsche Bank & The Real Central Bank Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for...

China – US – Claimed Territory – One China Policy

QUESTION:  China’s claimed territory??? So China can claim the entire Pacific as their territory and that means we can’t enter the Pacific??? DF...

Has the US Gone to DEFCON 3?

NATO has effectively declared war on Russia hiding behind Ukrainian surrogates. Ukraine launched new versions of their marine drones in an attempt to sink the...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Banking Crisis & War

PRIVATE BLOG – The Banking Crisis & War Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Why Bank Bailout of Depositos is Critical

QUESTION: Hi. I do not understand why you keep advocating over and over how the depositors should be bailed out over 250k. It makes no sense from a moral hazard...

Credit Suisse Banking Crisis

It is refreshing when you actually find a journalist who is honest and is not being included by the Neocons to put out their propaganda. Her review of Credit Suisse...