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World Events

CNN is Dying – Thank God!

COMMENT: Marty, You have a bigger readership than CNN. They dropped to 80,000 primetime. I think you are well beyond 600,000 these days. Maybe put in an offer to...

Medvedev warns The ICC Has Instigated an Act of Arbitrary War

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has warned the West and rightly so that the decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue an arrest warrant...

Republicans Against a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

Republicans are working to prevent the central bank from establishing a digital currency (central bank digital currency or CBDC). Ted Cruz (R-Texas), backed by...

De-Banking Journalists

Honest journalism has become a crime. I have appeared numerous times on Maria Zaric’s program, Zeee Media. Maria is a professional journalist who asks...

the 1933 Bank Holiday – Can it Happen Again?

QUESTION: Marty there are a lot of people who seem to be trying to create a panic. Some are claiming the stock market will plunge by 50%. Others are saying nothing...

The Banking & Debt Crisis Continues

The banking crisis continues and it is impacting funds that have been buying bonds. Allianz, a subsidiary of Pimco, is writing off countless millions with Credit...

White House Neocon Spokesman Admits – They Do Not Want Peace in Ukraine

  I have had two employees from Ukraine – Kiev and Donetsk. The one from Kiev just mouths the standard Ukrainian propaganda. If they give up the Donbas,...

Fauci’s Door to Door Vaccine Campaign Fails

This video is circulating the internet that shows RESISTANCE IS NOT FUTILE. Dr. Anthony Fauci goes door to door, pressuring residents of Washington, DC, to take an...

Soros – Taking Down America

Alvan Bragg in his vendetta against Donald Trump is clearly not just abusing his power, but he is attempting to interfere in the presidential election of 2024 by...

PRIVATE BLOG – Why the Banking Crisis is Not Over

PRIVATE BLOG – Why the Banking Crisis is Not Over Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...