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World Events

The Debt Crisis – What Really Falls to Dust?

QUESTION: The sales pitch seems to be that there is this $2 quadrillion in global debt that overhangs everything. Paper assets, therefore, will all implode!  They...

Robert Kagan-ovich of Russia

COMMENT: Lazar Kagan-ovich, Starved 6 million people in Ukraine and was the great-grandfather of Robert Kagan, the name came up at It’s my...

PRIVATE BLOG – Fed Rates into 2024 & What he Cannot Say in Public

PRIVATE BLOG – Fed Rates into 2024 & What Cannot Say in Public Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates...

Is the US Following Ancient Athens?

COMMENT: Marty, Zelinsky has tried to portray himself as a military leader, cloaked in the symbolism of a military strongman. Gaddafi, Hussein, Stalin, and even...

Colonel Douglas MacGregor & Sources

COMMENT #1:  I have been watching Colonel Douglas MacGregor (ret), on alt news sites. He is a former tank commander in the Gulf war and has worked extensively with...

US is Losing Another War – Ukraine

The United States has launched a proxy war, unconstitutionally, circumventing Congress and the American people no less the entire world. What must be understood, is...

Biden Drafting Everyone for Zelensky?

  This is the FAKE Video that has made its rounds on Capital Hill and has driven the reality of war into some people’s scope of...

PRIVATE BLOG –Biden forced to Yield to Putin?

PRIVATE BLOG –Biden forced to Yield to Putin? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

Is Zelensky the Anti-Christ?

  A lot of people are writing in asking interesting questions about Zelensky. I seriously doubt he will be remembered with any respect by history. Indeed,...

Nero the Antichrist – Deep State & Fake News

Nero’s reputation has been the consequence of ancient fake news that to this day, distorts the man and what he stood against for his attempt to drain the...