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World Events

Biden Selling Border Wall Supplies to Ensure it is Never Constructed

It could not be any more evident that the Biden Administration is allowing a full-scale invasion of the US from the southern border. Trump asked for around $4...

When will the Great Unwashed Wake Up?

COMMENT: Now that it is painfully clear , there is no law in the United States, my question would be how long before the great unwashed, realize this ? I understand...

Just Stop (Cooking) Oil

A light-hearted story for a Monday, as we must laugh at the insanity of those protesting the weather. Extinction Rebellion is a group that consistently protests the...

The Death of Mainstream Media?

  QUESTION: Hello, Mr. Armstrong; Being a European and looking in the window of America, how can Americans hate Trump so much and overlook Biden and Hunter?...

How Ukrainian Oligarchs Spend Humanitarian Aid

Are you not curious about where the endless blank checks to Ukraine are going? They are usually labeled as something vague like humanitarian aid or weapons. One...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Plandemic – Tyranny’s Christmas Gift for 2023?

PRIVATE BLOG – The Plandemic – Tyranny’s Christmas Gift for 2023? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for...

“One Water” Approach Led to Deaths on Maui

Climate change zealots are destroying our society. I mentioned how Maui suffered the repercussions of Biden’s America-Last policies after they received mere...

Ramaswamy & Climate

40 years ago they told us an ice age was imminent. Now they tell us that the climate warming is an existential threat to humanity. Which is it? Neither. It’s...