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World Events

The Madoff Cover-Up

For those who just read the news and believe whatever they report, in the industry, everyone talks all the time. If Madoff was losing billions trading, everyone...

PRIVATE BLOG – As Goes Japan – So Goes Everything Else

PRIVATE BLOG – As Goes Japan – So Goes Everything Else Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to...

PRIVATE BLOG – Wells Fargo, Banking Crisis & The Coming Recession?

PRIVATE BLOG – Wells Fargo, Banking Crisis & The Coming Recession? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for...

Madoff – Hiding the Real Fraud

COMMENT: I know you saved Mercedes making back their $1 billion lost all because they listened to the fake news about how the pound and the dollar would crumble in...

Lancet Joins the Fake News Crowd?

  COMMENT: I think fake news is global and it definitely appears to be some sort of international manipulation of society. Here in Germany, it might be worse...

Schwab & Soros Not at DAVOS

COMMENT: The internet is going viral with Schwab and Soros pulling out of the Davos WEF. Is this true and if so what are your thoughts on the reason. Cheers, MB...

Davos 2023 – the A Threat to the Entire World?

  QUESTION: Marty, I think Schwab’s great reset is all about your 2032. He seems to be a Socrates subscriber and is just trying to manipulate the outcome...

Is the Fed a Den of Thieves? Or Independent?

COMMENT: The Fed….why would anyone put a greedy fox in charge of the hen house. Mr. Armstrong, you, of all people have more than a passing acquaintance with...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Emerging Institutional Crisis

PRIVATE BLOG – The Emerging Institutional Crisis Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

The Fed & the Misinformation

QUESTION: Marty, I was there at your Berlin conference when one of the attendees openly admitted he was from the Bundesbank. He was very open about it. There have...