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World Events

Treason from The Deep State?

  I have received a lot of emails asking why just five days after the New York Post revealed the Hunter Biden laptop story that went all the way to the top...

The Government Unconstitutional Manipulation of News

Perhaps you will recall when Edward Snowden exposed the truth that the government was spying on American citizens, they called him a traitor and wanted to imprison...

Climate Change – The Big Fraud but Why?

What is absolutely astonishing, is that this entire global warming propaganda that they then changed it to climate change because it was not just getting warmer...

Will Putin Step Down in 2023?

We have a very serious problem. Former Chancellor Merkel has openly stated that there was NEVER any intention to carry out the Minsk Agreement and that not only...

There is No Defense to Hypersonic Missiles & Russia’s Plans to Expand

Russia announced yesterday that it will increase its military strength from 1 million to 1.5 million. The Western Press keeps putting out the propaganda that that...

Why does Academia Always Resist Change?

QUESTION: I find it interesting that the Roman coin the academics said was fake has now been shown that it had been in circulation. Is this what you talk about how...

Corruption to Keep the Game Going

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I know you are very familiar with Ukraine. A friend of mine believes he met you in Kiev back in 2013. You and Henry Kissinger are the lone...

Our World Leaders are Just So Corrupt

When someone ever writes about this period in a couple of hundred years, they will call it the Age of Corruption. An ex-MEP has labeled the EU as fundamentally...

Peru Uprising

  The rise in inflation is causing riots around the world and people are also fed up with corrupt governments everywhere. As our model has been forecasting,...

The Untold Backdrop to Jeffrey Epstein

  Epstein was clearly involved in one of the biggest honey traps probably in history. They have been using girls/women to blackmail powerful people for...