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World Events

Why the US will Collapse under Civil Unrest

  I have been asked about our computer forecast regarding civil unrest that would turn upward from 2014, become critical in 2023, and escalate into 2032. There...

Panic Cycle & the Deep State

QUESTION #1: Once more I am asking: In practical terms, when a Panic Cycle appears, which are the factors that will help us to determine if the movement will be up...

PRIVATE BLOG – One Step Closer to WWIII

PRIVATE BLOG – One Step Closer to WWIII Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

The Tax of ETFs

Interactive Brokers has published a specific list of what is taxable and what is not. If your brokerage house does not understand that ALL ETFs are not taxable,...

AOC’s Flop – More Spent on Fossil Fuels than the Movie Took In

COMMENT: Regarding AOC and the FLOP climate change documentary. How much fossil fuel was used for this flop of a project. Sounds contradictory to the proposed...

January 1st, 2023 Tax on ETFs

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Please help as I invest in mostly ETFs from Australia. I was getting  USD exposure but now looks to be ending by Jan 1st, 2023. I was Informed...

AOC Climate Change Documentary Flop

  AOC’s four year in the making Documentary of fighting for Climate Change was a complete flop. It debuted in movie theaters around the country and took...

Twitter Exposing the Real Threat – Leftist Revolution

The revelations coming from Elon Musk gaining access to Twitter demonstrate that the LEFT is the greatest danger we face to civilization and there is absolutely no...

Poland to be Next Country to be Sacrificed

Poland is creating the most powerful Army in Europe at the prodding of the Biden Administration. It will now surpass even Germany as well as Turkey. They are...