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Migration Continues

A friend had renovated a house on the intercostal, and after three years of work, she put it up for sale, more than doubling her money, and she received her first...

Having Children is the Most Destructive Thing to the Planet?

These people are truly insane. If they believe that humans are the most destructive thing on this planet, then they should lead the way to mass suicide. It makes...

25-Year-Old Gives Birth to 9 Babies as US Birthrate hits 42 Year low

While the population has been declining sharply during this COVID planned-Demic dropping 4% in the USA during 2020 which should bottom-out on a 43-year-cycle in...

Lockdown Every 2 Years for Climate Change

I have received over the past year some people complaining saying what does climate have to do with economics? I cannot always reveal my sources or I will not have...

Soylent Green – Human Compost

  There was an old SciFi film from 1973 which predicted food shortages in 2022. The answer was to turn human bodies into Soylent Green and tell the people this...

The Malthusian End – 2022

  This is a presentation in German which is about one hour. Its proposition is that the leaders of the G20, the Rockefeller and Gates foundations have been...

PRIVATE BLOG – Free Population Report our Gift for the New Year

PRIVATE BLOG – Free Population Report our Gift for the New Year Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or...

The 2020 Census – Counting Illegal Aliens

The Supreme Court dismissed a premature challenge to President Donald Trump’s plan to exclude people living in the country illegally from the population count...

Bill Gates on Population Growth – Targeting Africa

Population Crisis
