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Propaganda War & the Fear Of Economic Panic After Covid Restrictions are Lifted

What is fascinating is the fact that it appears there are people who are deliberately posting fake photos of other events so claimed fact-checkers can label the...

Berlin & Fake News Backs Off

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, You are very famous in Germany. Once you posted that the media falsely reported only 20,000 protesters, they were forced to retract saying...

The Media’s Conspiracy Against the People

YouTube moderators, with no medical background to even determine if what is being said is true, are censoring doctors who contradict the WHO and Bill Gates. It is...

Youtube Is Engaged in Sedition to Overthrow the Government Removing Frontline Doctors Video

    Youtube Has Removed the Video of the Front Line Doctors calling it FAKE news because it challenges not just the WHO, but Bill Gates, the entire...

The Press is Always the “Chief Ideological Weapon” to Brainwash the People

QUESTION: Do you think CNN is deliberately trying to influence the election as they accused Russia? GY ANSWER: Absolutely! Nikita Khrushchev, the former head of the...

George Washington University Engages in Political Subversion

Well, if you are paying for your children to go to university, you better scratch George Washington University off the list. Students attending George Washington...

Forbes Bows to Climate Change Censorship

The bogus environmental analysis that has been relied upon by Bill Gates and Al Gore has been so wrong it is scary. They have used these fake models to terrorize...

Civil Unrest in Media & The Supreme Court’s Wrongful Decision

There is civil unrest rising within the major media institutions in Europe and the United States including the New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, Washington...

Civil War inside Mainstream Newspapers

There is a civil war inside the New York Times as is the case in just about every major newspaper. This war is emerging between the young journalists and the 40+...