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Is COVID-19 Over?

It’s incredible how quickly the media can spin the narrative. Two weeks ago, the media labeled anyone who dared to step foot outside as a psychopathic...

Seizing the Moment – Mandating New Green World Order Manipulating the Press

The Gates Promotional PR Team is out in full force lobbying the press to now support the redesign of the economy to end Climate Change. The strategy behind Gates is...

Full-Blown Propaganda Now From Press

COMMENT: Yes, MSM is hyping and misleading the public on the risks of re-opening the economy. Their news (rather panic-porn) implied that countries had to shut down...

It’s Time to Investigate Journalists for Inside Trading

  The Washington Post is hellbent on trying to undermine the US economy solely for politics. The death rate is really less than 1%. I just went to the doctor...

PRIVATE BLOG – CNN & AT&T Self-Destructing?

PRIVATE BLOG – CNN & AT&T Self-Destructing? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

CNN Turns to Greta as a Virus Expert?

It is beyond comprehension that now a 16-year-old climate activist is suddenly also a health expert. CNN cares nothing about the country, the people it continues to...

It’s Not All Bad

COMMENT: Hello Martin, My wife and I had to visit a small village near where we live today, as we needed to buy something from the pharmacist. When we arrived at...

The Press’ Conspiracy to Overthrow our Way of Life Exposed?

The Washington Times has come out with the story which is inevitable: COVID-19 turning out to be huge hoax perpetrated by media All my sources have been saying this...