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CEO of Youtube Susan Wojcicki Vows to Remove Anything that Contradicts the WHO

  YouTube has removed the video of the two California Doctors demonstrating the level of censorship surrounding this virus has reached Stalinistic levels. We...

The Press is Deliberately Trying to Hurt People for Political Change?

People are starving because of this nonsense of locking down the entire nation. Many live paycheck to paycheck. The leftist media could care less. The total...

COVID-19 Miracle Cure for All Other Disease Prevents Heart Attacks

  If you want to become a doctor right now you can become one without years of training in New York City. Just attribute all deaths to COVID-19 so Governor...

Why is the Media Undermining the Country?

  It is very curious as to why the media has become so anti-Trump to the point that they are jeopardizing our civil liberties. If he opens up the economy, they...

What is the Fairness Doctrine

QUESTION: My concern about the “Fairness” doctrine is who decides what is fair and if it is a time thing, is time at midnight on Sunday or 0400 on...

FT On the Grab for Power

I strongly urge everyone to report this everywhere you can. What Izabella Kaminska has written about here is very important. It is about the rush to change our...

The Fake News – Interesting Review of Who is Who

Has the Press been Scolded for Assisting in Creating this Panic?

Behind the Curtain, the press has been scolded in their part of creating this panic. The senior management has even woken up that they are committing suicide for as...

Fake News & Coronavirus Panic – The Press Must Be Held Accountable!

The Coronavirus Panic has been caused by FAKE NEWS and the press MUST be held accountable. The press is acting irresponsibly and has turned this virus into a major...