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Press Interviews

We have received a number of requests for press interviews since this book seems to be the fastest-selling book ever on Amazon given it sold out in less than three...

Wikipedia: Fake News & Propaganda – A Tool of the Deep State?

Wikipedia is a professional propaganda organization that allows fake news and outright illegal propaganda to dominate the internet. Most schools no longer accept...

Media Conspiracy that the Washington Post & NY Times Declined to Join

What is fascinating is the revelation that mainstream media has indeed conspired with the group led by Greenpeace to sell climate change. This includes the top...

Fake News is Spreading Worldwide

According to an Infratest poll, 38 percent of Germans consider the media politically driven and 33 percent consider the media unbelievable. Despite the fact that...

News in America Has Become Propaganda Like Pravda Did in Russia under the Soviet Union

COMMENT: Martin, I was willing to just to try Duck-Duck-Go just to see if they are non-biased in their results (and to get rid of Google sponsored Ads as my first...

Negative Press Always Has to Find an Issue

It is really interesting how the press is so biased, that no matter the issue, they MUST simply spin it against Trump. It is really getting so bad these days that...

Government Raid Australian Press to Impose Censorship

We have lost all of our freedoms, we are just too busy to take notice. The pretend whistleblower against Trump was orchestrated by Democrats to create an issue for...

Can Anyone Really Influence Elections?

QUESTION: Hey Marty, If the Labour (UK) and far-left Democrats (YUSA) can use fake news and outrageous lies to manipulate the outcome of elections, destroy the...

Why the CNN Fake News & Others are a Major Threat to Democracy

We think of false information as a domestic problem that Trump is in the battle with CNN and the term “fake news” is just political talk. It’s far...