QUESTION: You do not think that control will stop these school shootings? JF ANSWER: No way. If you do look on Wikipedia, you will see that we are approaching 500...
CNN, who claims to be Most Trusted Name in News™, has demonstrated that they are by no means to be trusted nor are they ever impartial. They are never...
ABC News has indeed violated the principles of a Free Press and is the example why the old Fairness Doctrine should be restored. ABC News has come out and wrote:...
Donald Trump launched his Real News to combat the Fake News. Interesting turf battle. What I can say is that many people in Florida are very upset with CNN and...
QUESTION: You seem to have given up hope on Trump getting his agenda through Congress. Do you agree that the Trump presidency is a failure? BV ANSWER: There is no...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Trump appoint another ex-Goldman Sachs guy as the head of the SEC. Some say he is not draining the swamp but filling it. Care to comment?...
Project Veritas, which CNN and others try bad mouthing, has caught CNN’s Supervising Producer admitting (1) they are on a witch-hunt against Trump, and (2)...
Comedian Kathy Griffin is a very sick individual. While she apologized only because she has lost perhaps her career sponsorships and jobs, including her role as...
It is very interesting that CNN has fallen from the number one news station to dead last. Their bias is so outrageous and they have ceased being a valid news...
I was standing in line in a phone store and the two women in front of me were talking about the press and how dishonest they are. The interesting thing was one did...