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CBS 60 Minutes also Engaging in Fake News to Steer the Country LEFT

  All of the mainstream media is now conspiring against We the People. Can’t these journalists see what they are doing to the...

Berlin & How the Press Cheers the Left

The traditional Communist/Marxist demonstrations on May Day show just how biased the press is in Europe. While the commentary is in German, they do not call them...

The Real Danger of BigTech Censorship

  When the oligarchs assassinated Caesar and Cicero put out a never-ending onslaught against Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC), Brutus (85-32 BC) issued a coin...

CNN Deliberately Manipulating Public

  Jeff Zucker was named Chairman of WarnerMedia News and Sports in March 2019. He has also served as president of CNN Worldwide since 2013. If I were Zucker, I...

Can CNN be sued for the Blood They Have on their Hands?

COMMENT: Martin, I would visit my Dad in Boca and the TV would always be on CNN, but I could not hear it only read the subtitles.  I was disgusted to see the...

Have Journalists become Traitors to the United States?

Those in management at most of the mainstream media should be dragged from their offices and charged with conspiracy to overthrow the United States government and...

Has Russian TV Become the Only Real Media?

    This is really a said statement on Western Press when RU reports on the Worldwide Freedom Protests and Western Press calls it all extremists,...

Joe Biden – When the Press was Real

    Biden is still at it with plagiarism. He keeps claiming this is his plan that he claims he named “Build Back Better,” when this was...

Was CNN Pushing Cuomo to Make him President?

  CNN and the leftist media were clearly promoting Governor Cuomo as being more presidential than Trump. While the left was mercilessly bashing Trump over...

CNN’s & the Cuomos’ Conflicts of Interest

  CNN allowed Chris Cuomo to interview his brother all the time before the scandal showed he was breaking the well-established conflict of interest rule in...