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Journalism is No Longer a Viable Career & the Pharmaceutical Industry is the Least Trusted!

Journalism is no longer a viable career. Mainstream media has turned to propaganda artists who simply are like the Nazis as they claimed at Nuremberg that they were...

Vaccines & Corruption

  COMMENT: Sir, My sister is the primary caregiver of our 87 year old mother. She called the other day asking if mom should get the COVID vaccine. I told her...

Resistance is NOT Futile

  Despite Wikipedia, Twitter, Google, Facebook, YouTube, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, and the rest of the Marxist philosophy press, despite them all...

New York Times Called for “Reality Czar” to Imprison Anyone they Claim is Stating Fake News?

The New York Times has called on President Biden to create a “Reality Czar” to shut down all dissent, which they immediately label conspiracy theories...

We are Drowning in Fake News

COMMENT: I hope you read this Mr. Armstrong. These past 6 months have been eye-opening for me. I started out late summer writing down names of persons and sites on...

War Against Conservatives

People are leaving Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and were moving to Parlar. Google and Apple removed the Parlar APP and then Amazon kicked then off of AWS. This is...

Why We No Longer Have Free Press

Here we have the people at the London FT and they are coming out in favor of Schwab’s World Economic Forum and “Stakeholder” Economics. They will...

Manipulating the Election Narrative

Sharyl Attkisson is a champion among journalists leaving the rest behind as mere propaganda disseminators undermining the future of their own families. As Sharyl...

Twitter Block’s Website

  The very same day they decided to censor our website I believe at the direction of Salesforce’s Marc Benioff, who is using corporate funds to further his...

Who is Behind What owner Automattic raised $300 million from Salesforce which is in league with the World Economic Forum where they have joined this 4th...