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Dissent in Catholic Church Against Government Lockdowns

We are even witnessing dissent in the Catholic Church against these lockdowns. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano of Italy listened to American bishops about the closure...

Religion & Climate Change & 2037

Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 AD during the reign of Justin II (565-578AD). He was born 34 years after 536 AD when a mysterious cloud appeared over the...

Happy Easter


Are Far-Left Democrats Anti-Religion?

QUESTION: Do these Democrats who are in league with those trying to undermine our economy and future for their personal power have any conscience whatsoever? Do...

Anti-Semitism, Christianity, Confiscating Assets, Banking Conspiracies & Capitalism

QUESTION: You seem to always be against conspiracy theories except that it always comes down to government against the people. Why are most of the bankers Jewish?...

Science v Religion

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have been an avid reader of your blog for over four years after watching The Forecaster on Norwegian TV in the fall of 2015. First,...

Religious & Climate Change (Part I)

QUESTION: Good morning Mr. Armstrong! Thanks for always opening our eyes! Could you please explain to me what natural phenomenon of cataclysmic proportions could...

Search for Religion in the 1860s

COMMENT: Concerning the post today of the “Decline and Fall of Religion?” I nearly fell out of my seat when you mentioned 1860 as a cyclic date. You mentioned...

The Decline & Fall of Religion?

In truth, everything has its cycle. There is no escaping this reality upon which the entire universe was created. There has been a steady decline in church...

France Bans Nativity Scene from Pubic Property

France has banned the display of any Nativity scenes from public property which has many French quite upset that because of the large Muslim population, the very...