QUESTION: Dear Marty, I understand your general message and totally agree with it. I now see the big picture in a systematic trend and everything moving in the...
Japanese 10-year bonds have crashed because the government is stopping its bond-buying program, at least for now. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s monetary policy...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, why are Italian banks in worse shape than most other countries. What happened to the bail-in program of the ECB? Can you explain why Italy...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The taxation of the internet seems to be rising. At the same time it appears as though this could really harm the economy by reducing...
The three main credit rating agencies have been downgrading government debt at an alarming rate, which confirms our computer models, albeit a tad late. The first...
The world financial crisis that is unfolding post-2015.75 is different from that which followed the 2007.15 peak in the ECM. As stated countless times, each event...
Germany’s obsession with anti-inflation policies, inspired by the hyperinflation of the 1920s, is so misguided that it is now threatening to collapse all of...
We are looking at the collapse of Europe unfold much faster than anyone suspected. I have been warning that the Continental EU banks are in serious trouble....
A new study by the Green Party in Germany places the USA at the top of the list of tax havens for foreign investors. They have highlighted the key states in their...