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Sovereign Debt Crisis

Letter from Tsipras to the Troika

Here is the Letter from Greece to the Troika The letter, written by Alexis Tsipras, is addressed to Jean Claude Juncker, Mario Draghi, and Christine Lagarde....

Greece Surrenders its Sovereignty to Brussels

The Syriza government is backing down after the realization that Brussels will declare economic war on Greece by deliberately trying to plunge the country into...

World in Review: The Greek Tragedy Continues to Set the Tone

  The Greek drama of Greek Tragedy continues with a rumored agreement to continue the stimulus in return for promised reforms, only to have Greek Prime...

Will Puerto Rico Be the Next Greece?

On Monday, Puerto Rico is set to release a key report on its financial stability. Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla told The New York Times that the island would...

Greek Parliament Approves July 5th Referendum

Greece’s parliament voted early Sunday in favor of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ motion to hold a July 5th referendum on creditor proposals for reforms...

EU Finance Ministers Change Their Minds Because of a Greek Referendum

The EU Finance Ministers have been lying to the public for so long that they believe their own propaganda. The German press has called them for what they are...

Greek Bank Run Begins

The BBC is reporting that the Greece debt crisis is now leading to a Greek bank run as people clamor to hoard cash in the face of the Eurozone refusing any bailout...

Monday’s EU Summit & Troika’s Misguided View of Greece

The summit held Monday of the new superheroes, known as the Euro-Rescuers, are lost in the canyons of their own minds for they do not comprehend how the economy...

London Anti-Austerity Protest Draws 100,000+

This is socialism collapsing. Hundreds of thousands of people have joined together to protest anti-austerity. So many people attended that the police refuse to...

Mario Draghi Backs Down on Greece

We are really plagued by people in government who are totally clueless on how markets trade. They have been arrogant in assuming they do not need Greece and if they...