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Sovereign Debt Crisis

European Central Bank to Raise Rates Amid Record Inflation

Inflation in the euro area reached a record high of 8.1% in May across the 19-member states. It is no longer possible for the European Central Bank (ECB) to release...

European Debt Crisis Unfolding on Target

The European Central Bank (ECB) has a major crisis beginning. The free markets always win, and the spreads on the interest rates among the member of the EU are...

Sri Lanka – First Emerging Market to Default

Sri Lanka has defaulted on its debts for the first time in its history. It has faced an economic and political crisis triggered by global shock waves from the...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Crisis in Europe Beyond Belief

PRIVATE BLOG – The Crisis in Europe Beyond Belief Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...

The Sovereign Debt Crisis Arrives

While the world is turning, the economic crisis emanating from the SovereignDebt Crisis in Europe is propelling a very serious outlook as we head into 2022. I have...

Pending Black Swan?

The traditional analysis keeps calling for the next Black Swan event asserting that massive leveraging of US nonfinancial businesses since 1972 is incompatible with...

The Most Lethal Act that Kills Governments

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong. I heard you are the best when it comes to monetary history and systems. I found your comment that it was not the printing of money that...

Sovereign Debt Crisis Report $75

We have issued a special report on the Sovereign Debt Crisis and why we even have this Great Reset and where we are headed. This report provides also a historical...

Global Debt approaching $280 Trillion by Year-end.

Global debt is exploding thanks to the deliberate COVID-19 manufactured crisis. It is approaching $280 trillion going into year-end. We should no longer call it...