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Sovereign Debt Crisis

Booming Global Economy at Risk of going Bust as Debt Soars, IMF warns

QUESTION: Do you concur with the IMF WARNING? RKC ANSWER: The IMF said: “No financial regulatory framework can or should aim to reduce the probability of...

Beware of the Real Debt Crisis on the Horizon – not the BS on TV

We have to come to the reality that from 2019 onward, we are headed into a Pension Crisis that will be serious. Many are starting to yell about the debt crisis....

This is No Joke – Monetary Reform Will Be Forced Upon the World

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really understand why the government wanted your model so bad. You have been the only one to correctly forecast the entire world. The...

Did Tariffs Cause Great Depression?

The causes of the Great Depression have been debated for decades. The problem with all of the analysis is this same attempt to reduce the cause to a single event....

A Global Systemic Collapse – Opportunity & Risk

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; FX Street named you forecaster of the year for your Swiss franc euro peg forecast that also nobody else saw coming. I remember you were...

Emerging Market Debt Defaults on the Horizon?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You said that the emerging markets are a huge problem that will lead to a Sovereign Debt Default. Can you elaborate on that statement?...

What If We Just Wiped Out All Debt?

QUESTION: Hello Marty I am hoping you will print this in your blog. Everyone knows that Govt’s/Banks print money out of thin air and then “owe...

BIG BANG is Here and Ticking

QUESTION:  Dear Marty, due to 5,000-year lows in interest rates, in 2011 the US was able to triple the debt but keep the payments the same as in 1998. With...

Why National Debts Eventually Default

  QUESTION: If governments have been borrowing without limit since world war 2, are you saying that there is some line that is cross in debt to GDP that...

Can US Russian Sanctions Start A Financial Crisis?

The US sanctions against Russia are pointless and are placing the West at risk the politicians are too stupid to even comprehend. Already, some Russian companies...