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The Hunt for Taxes

Cold & the Great Migration

QUESTION: Marty, are you still in Asia because you wanted to miss this early snowstorm? Pete ANSWER: No, the crisis is Asia has capital in a state of concerned....

Germany Looking to Impose a CO2 Tax

In Germany, the Federal Minister of Research has said that the introduction of a special tax on carbon dioxide is virtually certain. Global warming research is...

Australia Police Now Confiscate Loose Coins in Cars

I have heard what I thought was every excuse for governments to raise taxes and seize money, but this is one I quite honestly thought was something too low for even...

Gold Becoming Part of Money Laundering Laws

The hunt for money is moving into high gear in Germany. Prior to 2017, it was possible to buy gold anonymously in quantities up to €15,000. In 2017, this limit...

Can Government Prevent a Major Debt Crisis?

QUESTION: Hi Martin I recently stumped upon a documentary on Netflix about you and your model. I then went on and watched some YouTube videos. To me it makes...

Is Chicago Doomed?

COMMENT: Chicago is at it again. The new mayor, Lorie Lightfoot, is proposing a sales tax for high end professional services such as accounting, legal and...

Life is Not Fair

IRS: Hello; This is the IRS helpline. What is your problem? Obviously, you owe us money or you would not be calling. CITIZEN: Can you explain why I owe you money?...

Germany & the SPD Proposed Wealth Tax

Acting SPD leader Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel has drafted a concept for a wealth tax. He is proposing that this will bring the federal government €10 billion...

Australia Wants Two-Year Prison Sentences for Paying More Than $10,000 in Cash

In Australia, they want to make it a criminal act with a penalty of 2 years in prison for purchasing anything with more than $10,000 in cash. Australia is really...

Cities are Harassing Homeowners with Excessive Fines

I have been warning about the hunt for taxes. You must realize that the worst is unfolding at the state and municipal levels of local governments because they...