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The Hunt for Taxes

Hunt for Taxes & Illegally Searching Your Phone & Laptop at the Border

The US border guards have been illegally searching laptops and phones for anything that might lead to hidden money. A Federal Court in Boston has ruled warrantless...

The Hunt for Money – No Amount is Too Small

COMMENT: You may already know this but in case you don’t: this is a prime example of the ‘war on cash’.: Yesterday I walked into my sisters bank...

The Hunt For Taxes – Sell & Leave Before It is too late?

QUESTION: Dear MR. Armstrong, As a long time subscriber to your basic level Socrates,I’m very grateful for the guidance I’ve received.I have a question....

Europe Moving to Worldwide Income Tax & International Wealth Tax

QUESTION: As I understand you’re writings, the € is not a good currency to be in. I’m South African and stay in the Netherlands for 13 years now....

Canada Implements $368 Fine if Your Phone is Even Visible in Your Car

In Canada, they are now fining people whose cell phone is visible in their car. You don’t have to be using it at all. If it is simply visible it is deemed to...

Cold & the Great Migration

QUESTION: Marty, are you still in Asia because you wanted to miss this early snowstorm? Pete ANSWER: No, the crisis is Asia has capital in a state of concerned....

Germany Looking to Impose a CO2 Tax

In Germany, the Federal Minister of Research has said that the introduction of a special tax on carbon dioxide is virtually certain. Global warming research is...

Australia Police Now Confiscate Loose Coins in Cars

I have heard what I thought was every excuse for governments to raise taxes and seize money, but this is one I quite honestly thought was something too low for even...

Gold Becoming Part of Money Laundering Laws

The hunt for money is moving into high gear in Germany. Prior to 2017, it was possible to buy gold anonymously in quantities up to €15,000. In 2017, this limit...

Can Government Prevent a Major Debt Crisis?

QUESTION: Hi Martin I recently stumped upon a documentary on Netflix about you and your model. I then went on and watched some YouTube videos. To me it makes...