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The Hunt for Taxes

The Income Tax is Destroying the World Economy

It is imperative that we MUST eliminate the income tax. It is a purely a Marxist development that is destroying the world economy. The income tax has become such a...

The Death of Socialism

Socialism is dying because governments have made promises they cannot keep. Now when people expect that they will be there, they suddenly find the promises have...

Tax Scheming

QUESTION: Martin, Washington State DOT is planning to bond against toll revenue generated by express toll lanes on or highways here in Western Washington. These...

Could Raising Taxes Save Government?

QUESTION: Hello Martin, the alarm that the US is headed towards a very bad debt crisis. During an interesting part of the segment, he was asked if the rich should...

Trump v California – the Sanctuary State

The battle over illegal aliens in the United States will really make your head spin. In 2017, California passed a “sanctuary state” law that limits cooperation...

Austria Moves to Tax Online Companies

The EU has been unable to agree on taxing the internet. As a result, Austria went ahead and passed its own digital tax this week on revenues earned by online...

The Hunt for Taxes Altering the Economy

We are beginning to witness the impact of state taxes on decision making. California’s high taxes led to the San Francisco Giants losing Bryce Harper to the...

IRS & The Hunt for Taxes Worldwide

COMMENT: Marty…: My respected Australian broker in Sydney, to my horror today, has, for the first time, just asked me to supply the USA Internal Revenue...

Baby Boom to Baby Bust – The Crisis in Socialism

There is a real crisis in the fertility rate which has fallen to such a low level that all the socialism going forward will simply collapse. What used to be the...

World Economy – Which End is Up?

QUESTION: Hey Martin First of all, great work with the new Socrates. Thank you very much for getting it to us. You have said that rates are exploding with fed...