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The Hunt for Taxes

Illinois Confiscating and Selling Cars if you Owe Tickets

Believe it or not, Illinois confiscated and sold 50,000 cars because people had tickets that they could not pay. They still have to pay the banks on their car...

Direct Taxation Reduces Economic Growth

QUESTION: Happy New Year; Am I correct in noticing a global connection in the money supply, M1 & M2? You directed us to this long ago. The global banks have...

Inequality of Wealth

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So if I am correct, you have no problem with the inequality of wealth because you have it. Correct? JS ANSWER: Let us look seriously at...

Norway to Track Cars GPS to Tax Per KM (Mile) – Your Govt is Next

COMMENT: Hi, The Norwegian Data Protection Authority is now arguing that GPS based taxation, for the amount of kilometers driven by car, can be done within 5-6...

New Governor of California Want to Tax Water

The total mismanagement and incompetence of government is just beyond description. The new California Governor Gavin Newsom presented his first state budget during...

Using Cameras in the Hunt for Taxes

COMMENT: Hi, Hunt for taxes is running full scale in Scandinavia. In Sweden, all vehicles including foreign registered vehicles, are obliged to pay congestion...

Yellow Vests Destroying Speed Cameras

The Yellow Vest movement is indeed spreading worldwide. In France, they are out destroying speed cameras. Most Americans are familiar only with the red light...

Yellow Vests Advocate Taking Money Out of Banks in France to Topple Macron

The Yellow Vest Movement in France is turning to an all-out war against Macron. Many are now advocating withdrawing their money from banks in order to topple...

Yellow Vest Movement Spreads to Australia & Poland

We are witnessing the Yellow Vest Movement now also spreading to Australia. We are seeing the rise there and in Canada also against Fake News that the media is...

Raising Taxes by Redefining Who Are the Rich

QUESTION: I get up in the morning, make coffee and read your blog. Thank you for your service to humanity. Ok, so the Democrats want to go back to the 1950’s...