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The Hunt for Taxes

The Truth About The Democrat’s $5 Trillion Tax Increase

The Democrats support always raising taxes that amount to robbing people with laws. They NEVER learn that Marxism has failed EVERY single time it has been tried....

End Taxes on Social Security

The MAGA Republicans do not want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare, rather, they would like to eliminate the government’s double dipping through taxation....

Global Wealth Tax for Climate Change

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is backing a global coalition along with the G20 nations to implement a global wealth tax. Lula believes there must...

Harris to Raise Corporate Income Tax

America is experiencing a 13-year high in corporate bankruptcies, with more companies going under than during the lockdown era of the pandemic. Companies are...

Tax Code Change for Emergency Retirement Withdrawals

Low-income Americans are in such dire straits due to the elevated cost of living that lawmakers are making changes to the tax code. No, naturally, the politicians...

Does the SCOTUS Support Capital Gains Taxes?

The government believes it has unlimited power to tax the citizens of the United States. The idea of capital gains taxes on unrealized earnings will be an economic...

US Taxpayers Hit With Record Penalties in FY23

The government has become desperate for funding, seeking out money from their own citizens through taxation. Not only have they raised taxes for every bracket, but...

Over Half of New IRS Audits Targeted the Middle Class

Washington’s reckless spending comes with a cost to US taxpayers. While the fed may simply roll over their debt and issue new debt to pay off the old, the...

Capital Gains Taxes Loom Over Blue States – Welcome to the Great Reset

Eleven states may face capital gain taxes to comply with the Biden Administration’s 2025 budget, in which the government must hunt the people for taxes to pay for...

California’s Exit Tax

People have been leaving California in droves due to Governor Gavin Newsom’s socialistic Utopia that demands everyone be taxed on every penny they earn. I’ve...