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The Hunt for Taxes

Taxing Boats For Just Visiting

A lot of people have emailed in about the outrageous taxes being imposed on those who own boats. A number of people are complaining about California that they sail...

New Jersey To Now Tax Water Supply as Well – Creative Greed of Taxes

Politicians are truly amazing. When they need money, they are never short of ideas of things to tax. New Jersey is proposing to now tax water from the tap. The...

The Judaea Move for Independence 66-70AD

QUESTION: Was the first Jewish revolt about taxes? I think you said it was previously. HJB ANSWER: Correct. While there were tensions over religion, what really...

They Want to Charge the Elderly for Needing Help After a Fall

QUESTION: Hi Martin, You are unique in your insight into the growing theft of our money and dignity by the increasingly draconian authorities. Sometimes it’s...

The IRS Can Deny You A Passport?

  QUESTION: You said that if you owe taxes the government can deny you a passport? I never heard that one. ANSWER: Oh yes. This has been in place for several...

California Experiments with Universal Basic Income

Stockton California, which was previously one of the bankrupt cities, will now become the first in the country to participate in a test of Universal Basic Income....

Cloning License Plates to Avoid Traffic Fines

If there is a possible scam, someone will always figure it out. In Australia, they hunt money with unbelievable audacity and hand out tickets to motorists for...

Illinois to Assault the Entire Internet – They May End Up With Businesses Refusing to Deal With People in Illinois

The Supreme Court’s decision to allow every state to tax the internet is complete insanity. Sources in Illinois are warning that the state is bankrupt and it...

McCain Advised IRS to Audit so many that it becomes “Financially Ruinous”

I have never been a fan of John McCain and see him as a hypocrite, which is my personal opinion. Now Judicial Watch has gotten hold of IRS documents that show...

The Supreme Court Just Destroyed the Economy in the Hunt for Taxes

The Supreme Court in SOUTH DAKOTA v. WAYFAIR, INC, just handed down the most devastating and unconstitutional rule perhaps in American history in a 5-4 ruling that...