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The Hunt for Taxes

Climate & Hunt for Taxes

The leaked UN climate report is very alarming. They are using linear analysis as always and disregard any nonlinear cyclical data. They are urging that a major...

California Become 3rd Largest State with More People leaving than Migrating to the State

California has beaten Illinois for net outmigration from the state. California has become one state that there are more people trying to get out than moving into...

The Cost of Labor is What Drives the Move to Robots

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, Two questions: 1. When the Canadians said they never look at “those things,” what “things” are they talking about? 2....

TSA Robs American of his Life Savings of $58,100 who was Taking Cash Back to Albania

  The latest in Civil Asset Forfeiture has once again demonstrated how corrupt the government has become. Rustem Kazazi, who is an American citizen, was...

German Court Rules Govt Can Intercept Communications Without Just Cause

Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig ruled last week that the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) may continue to access data at the world’s largest...

West Coast & the Insane Socialistic Hunt for Taxes

I have been warning that we are in a battle to the death against the socialists. The West Coast is becoming the place to leave as fast as you possibly can for any...

Seattle Made Top 10 Most Expensive Cities to Live Before the Homeless Tax

  Business Insider has published a map of the top 10 most expensive places to live and work and guess what – Seattle is in the list even before they...

Roman Tax on Estate Auctions was the Outrageous Level of 1%

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You recently showed a coin of the emperor Hadrian burning tax records. Was there a tendency to always raise taxes as we have today to...

Germany’s Hunt for Taxes Being Illegally Applied to the Past

  The Hunt for Taxes has now led to criminal charges for manipulating stock ownership to avoid the tax on dividends. There German Attorney General has filed...

Seattle Tax For Homeless or Just for Government?

The outrageous tax of $275 per employee for companies that do more than $20 million in business annually by the city of Seatle for the claimed housing of...