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The Hunt for Taxes

IMF Issue Working Paper on Eliminating Cash

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington has published a Working Paper on “de-cashing” the economies and the implications. This paper clearly...

US Population Migrating South to Less Taxed States

The US Census report has shown that the net migration from the New York City area has surged during 2016, and that even included myself. Indeed, much more people...

Socialism Contradicts Freedom of Religion – Why Amish do not Pay Social Security Taxes

In 1935, Roosevelt introduced “The Social Security Act” which passed Congress. However, the act was described “Old Age, Survivors, and Disability...

Government’s Seizing Money Using Drug Law but 4 out of 5 Are Never Charged with a Crime

Civil forfeiture in the United States has been a controversial legal process in which law enforcement officers take assets from persons suspected of involvement...

Politicians – Courts – The Corruption of the Rule of Law in 1760s

William Tryon (1729-1788) was the Governor of North Carolina from 1765 to 1771 and the Province of New York from 1771 to 1780.  He is best known in North Carolina...

Governments Going Insane with New Ways to Tax People

In Ireland, a reader has sent this gem in. The Communications Minister Denis Naughten is so proud of himself for changing the definition of a ‘television...

Banks Secretly Report All Cash Transactions to the Police

  I have warned that governments around the world are engaged in the greatest collection of data in human history, tracking everything we do because they are...

Marxist Socialism now relabeled as the Sharing Economy

In Canada, I was in a discussion with a socialist politician. I was shocked at the response to their view of the economy that everything you earned belonged to the...

Taxing Property Going Crazy

The Left is fighting so hard to keep dominating everyone else, that it is hard not to see how society in starting to implode in the West. In Norway, the hunt for...

Small Business was the Backbone of the Economy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; My family have been lifelong democrats and operated a small local business. We were never in the multi-million dollar class, but always...