COMMENT: You are certainly correct, the money hunt is escalating and it’s becoming ridiculous. I deal with it on a daily basis in the office. What a bunch...
Canada has a different legal structure compared to the United States. Canada is one of the most decentralized countries in the world where provinces are actually...
The government has its pawns cheering the end of money. They are screaming that $1.4 trillion exists in cash and half of that is $100 bills. Justine Underhill...
The greatest problem with real estate is you cannot pick up and leave. The Federal Council in Germany is planning to re-evaluate the approximately 35 million homes...
Nigeria has begun the hunt for taxes as they target 700,000 firms as the country is desperate to look for more revenue as its income from oil has collapsed. Nigeria...
Police are starting to use Harris Corp’s Stingray. The company has fought to keep its manuals private and an exception to the Freedom of Information Act under...
Over the past 3 years, Vancouver has seized at its airport $18.7 million in undeclared cash of which 70% has been from Chinese. The hunt for money is really...
The pension crisis is going to be the HUGE issue in 2017. Obama is supporting about a 20% reduction in military retirement benefits. This is how such things are...