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The Hunt for Taxes

The Price of Dying – Repeal the Estate Tax

They say the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. And taxes on dying if you’re in the US. That’s right, the luxury of death comes with a price in...

Congestion Taxes Coming to NYC

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) believes that taxation could decrease traffic congestion in New York. Vehicles will be charged an additional $15...

IRS Pauses $600+ Transaction Audits

Within the American Rescue Plan was a piece of legislation requiring Americans to report any transactions they made over $600. The most recent budget negotiation...

London’s DAILY Driving Tax

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has a firm grip on London. The WEF has warned us that they plan to ban private car ownership to save the world. All it takes is the...

IRS SWAT Team – Hunt for Taxes

The story about what looked like a SWAT team was a swarm of armed IRS Agents that stormed into a business in Florida has gone viral. Many point to this as: See what...

$200 Billion in COVID-19 Funding Missing

What the hell is the US government doing with our tax dollars? We just heard that the Pentagon managed to misplace $600 billion in funds to Ukraine. They simply...

Republicans Against a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

Republicans are working to prevent the central bank from establishing a digital currency (central bank digital currency or CBDC). Ted Cruz (R-Texas), backed by...

Cash Not Accepted

There once was a time when cash was the undisputed king. Merchants preferred cash payments over credit, and there were often incentives for paying with paper. I...

How to Teach Your Kids About Taxes

COMMENT: Marty, you are 100% spot on about governments only ever being capable of lying and mismanaging money and raising taxes. The Australian Labor party that ran...