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The Hunt for Taxes

ICIJ’s Political Agenda May Backfire

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has clearly targeted Putin, however, it is his aids rather than him personally who were revealed...

The Panama Papers

A lot of emails have been coming in with regard to the Panama Papers. Let me say this from the outset — Panama has been the key place to establish offshore...

Illinois on the Brink of Bankruptcy

The pension crisis is brewing and the one state that appears to be heading toward a complete bankruptcy is Illinois. Clients should not own ANY debt from Illinois,...

Record Numbers of Americans Resigning Citizenship

  The number of Americans resigning their citizenship has reached record highs. Americans were thrown out of everywhere after FATCA was enacted. Due to...

Will Gold and Silver Become the Underground Currencies of the Future?

QUESTION: Martin … the reasoning behind goldbugs … advising people to buy gold to thwart the cashless society that govts will soon impose on us all....

Obama: If Apple Does Not Allow Govt. to Hack Phones Then “Everybody is Walking Around with a Swiss Bank Account”

The politicians are scared to death of Trump because he does what they fear to do: speak his mind. Politicians have to be prevaricators, hypocrites, and liars...

Freedom of Speech to be Denied by Attorney General Loretta Lynch

Well, here it comes: criminal prosecution for denying there is “climate change” all because this will be the next great tax to match Obamacare. Forget...

Total U.S. Fees to Resign Citizenship Exceed $12 million

Under FATCA, it has become impossible for small business to expand internationally. FATCA punishes any foreign entity that does not report what an American is doing...

Lagarde – Wants to Raise Retirement Age & Taxes

Christine Lagarde remains at the IMF as one of three Troika members because she is a Socialist. She is now on board with raising both the retirement age and taxes...

Apple Wins Against FBI in Drug Case

The government is demanding Apple to create a program to hack phones under the excuse of “terrorism” as a threat to national security. The FBI in New...