The Hunt for Taxes
Government: The Most Evil Invention in History?
August 31, 2015
While we need some form of rule of law and independent body to appeal to for complaints, there is no question that government is by far the evilest invention ever...
America's Economic History The Hunt for Taxes USA Current EventsAdvice for Trump
August 29, 2015
QUESTION: What would you advise Trump if he asked? ANSWER: When I debated Steve Forbes and New Jersey Governor Jim Florio who lost because he kept raising taxes,...
The Hunt for Taxes USA Current EventsThe Fraud in Global Warming Continues
August 27, 2015
It is pretty bad when a national government agency is continually caught fudging the temperature data while refusing to make corrections. They are clearly...
The Hunt for TaxesBelgium & the Hunt for Taxes
August 20, 2015
COMMENT: Dear Marty, Thnx for all the insights. Since a couple of months at a drive in chain in Belgium (Arlon) a couple of miles from the Luxembourg...
The Hunt for Taxes Western EuropeObservation from Finland
August 16, 2015
COMMENT: Hey Martin. I really appreciate what you are doing for everybody by writing your blog. I make sure that I never miss anything that you write. I’m...
Q&A The Hunt for TaxesChina & the Dollar
August 11, 2015
The dollar rally and the devaluation of the yuan is not a fluke and it most certainly is not a one-time event. The dollar declined against the yuan for 19 years...
Forecasts The Hunt for Taxes USD $ Yuan ¥Chicago Wants to Tax Video & Music on Internet
August 10, 2015
Governments are the worst possible invention of humankind for they merge the rule of law with their self-interest to exploit the people for their own subsistence....
The Hunt for Taxes USA Current EventsEconomists Say Trump is Wrong
August 6, 2015
Yahoo reported that economists deny Trump’s ability to bring jobs back to America from China and other countries. Well, the economists are wrong. All it would...
2016 U.S. Presidential Election America's Economic History The Hunt for Taxes USA Current EventsFrance Paying Informants to Confiscate Wealth
August 5, 2015
French customs officials received a tip that lead to the confiscation of a rare painting. The Guardian reported that French customs officers boarded a yacht...
Ancient Economies The Hunt for TaxesNSA: A Tax & Economics Espionage Agency
August 4, 2015
Anyone who thinks this is about terrorism is pathetically naive. The NSA is a top-notch Tax & Economic Espionage (TEE) organization; with terrorism so low...
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