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The Hunt for Taxes

Has New York Signed its Own Destruction?

New York politicians have destroyed their economy and now are looking at raising the taxes on the rich even more. Carl Icahn moves hedge fund from NYC to Miami....

PRIVATE BLOG – Trump Proved the Economic Solution was Lower Taxes

PRIVATE BLOG – Trump Proved the Economic Solution was Lower Taxes Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or...

San Francisco Going Just Insane

First, San Francisco just banned Natural Gas in any new buildings, requiring them to rely on the electric grid instead. The city’s board of supervisors...

Why Smart Money will Sell Stocks in Front of a Biden Victory Because of Taxes

  A Biden victory or even a continued round of uncertainty into early December may set off a serious liquidation before year-end. The risk of a significant tax...

Will the Polls be Wrong Again?

COMMENT: Hi Martin Your comments on polls and the overwhelming perception of them by independent thinkers, reminded me of a (at the time) controversial history...

Are We Running Out of Other People’s Money?

QUESTION:  I thought big police forces are malinvestment just like big government. doesn’t returning to hard money reduce malinvestments? BF ANSWER: These...

Tax & Deductions

QUESTION: What do you have to say about Trump’s taxes? GS ANSWER: Let me explain something. Let’s take one of the richest men in the world — Bill...

COVID Tax Increases – Forcing People to Pay For the Political Plandemic

These Democratic state governors have been so draconian in suppressing their economies for political purposes. Then they have the audacity to turn around and raise...

Solution – Legal Battle Against Socialism

We are in need of a qualified lawyer prepared to file a lawsuit against Progressive Taxation as a denial of Due Process and Equal Protection of the law. For...

I Strongly Urge Readers to Leave California, New Jersey, Illinois, Connecticut, & New York

California is looking to impose a Wealth Tax as Elizabeth Waren had proposed which is Piketty’s idea which is supported by Schwab’s World Economic Forum...