Barcelona, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, was the target of the Islamic State in their latest terrorist attack to kill people on a wholesale basis....
Apple’s Company in Doha, Qatar, has been added to a list of 59 people/institutions that are considered to be funding terrorism (directly/indirectly) by Saudi...
While the leftists are out in force against Trump calling him racist and whatever else they can dream up for his travel ban from countries with Islamic terrorism,...
As we approach June 8th and the elections in Britain, one must wonder how is Britain going to remain inside the EU. The British never voted on allowing the refugees...
The brewing violence on religious grounds is stirring to say the least. In Egypt, bomb attacks at two Coptic churches carried out by suicide bombers with at...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington has published a Working Paper on “de-cashing” the economies and the implications. This paper clearly...
The Wikileaks Vault 7 of the CIA espionage has exposed the fact that they are spying on every individual in Germany from Frankfurt. Here is yet another blow...
COMMENT: I am shocked that these animals would rape a girl and broadcast it live. They have to be idiots on top of being animals. PK REPLY: The critical point here...
The Tunisian migrant/refugee Anis Amri hijacked the truck to kill people in Berlin in the Christmas market. He managed to escape Berlin and got through France and...