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Lockdown Every 2 Years for Climate Change

I have received over the past year some people complaining saying what does climate have to do with economics? I cannot always reveal my sources or I will not have...

Ebay Joins Cancel Culture

I find this truly just amazing. Dr. Seuss is obviously far more dangerous than Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” or any of the works of Karl Marx who was...

Texas Ends Mask Requirements & Opens Up Restaurants

  There is just no evidence whatsoever that masks do anything. When I went to the doctors last year they asked about COVID. I told them I did not know anyone...

Bill Gates Terrorizing Children?

  This video of the Los Angeles School District being fully on board with total control of children is so dangerous, that it is conditioning the next...

The LEFT Always Seeks to Suppress All Freedom & they Have Now Canceled Justice Thomas for his Vote

The oppression by the left is always detrimental to freedom, for they do not believe in any freedom whatsoever — freedom must always conform to their vision...

Snowden on Did we Agree to All of This?

World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation Are Main Drivers for Digital Vaccines Passports

Klaus Schwab is becoming one of the most dangerous men perhaps in modern history. His World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation are the main drivers...