Freedom Convoy Organizers Arrested
February 19, 2022
The Canadian government has hunted down the organizers of the 2022 Freedom Convoy and placed them in custody. The Ottawa police issued the following warning:...
Canada TyrannyDraghi: The Unvaccinated Are Not Part of Our Society
February 18, 2022
Mario Draghi has ruined the lives of 500,000 Italians after declaring, “The unvaccinated are not part of our society.” All Italians over 50 must now receive the...
Italy Tyranny VaccineIndia’s Ambassador: Trudeau is an Embarrassment to Canada & India
February 17, 2022
India’s ambassador, Deepak Vohra, tears into Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for his blatant hypocrisy. Last year when thousands of farmers protested in Delhi,...
Canada India TyrannyTrudeau Will Freeze the Bank Accounts of All Protestors
February 16, 2022
Desperate and unwilling to speak directly to the truckers, Justin Trudeau is now vowing to freeze the personal and business bank accounts of those involved in the...
Canada TyrannyHochul Sneaks in Authority to Arrest People For Health Reasons
February 15, 2022
COMMENT: Dear Martin, I am writing to bring your attention to this action by New York State Governor Kathy Hochul. This has been slow coming to public awareness...
Tyranny WEF2032 & Knowing Your Enemy
February 11, 2022
Our computer has projected this tumulous period where governments fall and the last 13 years would be dominated by political chaos. All of this is very stressful...
Civil Unrest Tyranny Violence WEFFormer KGB Informant: Political Prostitutes are Useful Idiots
February 2, 2022
Yuri Bezmenov, former USSR KGB informant who defected to Canada, explains how rhetoric can destabilize the Western economy with Marxist ideology. It only takes four...
New Norm Tyranny WarThe Unvaccinated in Quebec Must be Accompanied by Staff While Shopping
January 30, 2022
In another degrading blow to humanity, the government of Quebec is prohibiting unvaccinated shoppers from entering big box stores that do not include groceries or...
Canada TyrannyDivide and Conquer
January 17, 2022
COMMENT: Martin; “Divide and Conquer” I did not fully comprehend because thirst for power is not in my wheelhouse. So once the government has promised...
TyrannyThe Voting Rights Bill amounts to Treason
January 14, 2022
Schumer and Pelosi are guaranteeing that there will be a revolution in the United States. This voting rights bill is outright treasonous. The ‘For the People...
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