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Swiss Army Knife to Remove Blade – Worldwide Ban of Knives

Those shouting for the removal of the Second Amendment in America do not realize that violent crime is STILL on the rise in other nations. The difference is that...

Never Forget – 9/11

    We honor the victims of the worst terrorist attack on American soil — 9/11. Take a moment to remember heroes in the fire department (my cousin...

2032 & Knowing Your Enemy

Our computer has projected this tumulous period where governments fall and the last 13 years would be dominated by political chaos. All of this is very stressful...

9/11 – the False Flag Allegation & Bin Laden

QUESTION: The Taliban are claiming there is no proof that Osama bin Laden ordered the 9/11 attack. Was this truly and an American false flag or was it real? Any...

When it is So Bad – You Just Have to Laugh!

    Jade Sacker is a freelance journalist who appears to be in this video documenting the pro-Trump mob storming the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. CNN has...

The Reality of Gates’ & Schwab’s Plan

  Here is a video of people staving in a food panic in Jos, Nigeria. This is what Big Tech and mainstream media will hide. They cannot be this stupid to impose...

COVID-19 Tearing Families Apart

COMMENT: Mart, this is tearing my family apart. I can no longer even speak to my son. He is against Trump simply because he does not like him personally or his...

The 2020 Election – Buckel Up for the Most Corrupt & Violent Election in History

Already, the FBI has recovered ballots for Trump that were discarded in Pennsylvania. They can even attribute some to specific people voting. The Republicans are...

The Gates Agenda – Control Everything

Bill Gates, who nobody cares to investigate, is once again using blacks in Africa as his guinea pigs; allegedly bribing politicians to allow him to conduct his...

Domestic Violence, Child Abuse & Crime All on the Rise

QUESTION: Re The Consequences of Shelter In Place Hi Marty, It is very sad to see but reports of domestic violence are up considerably. The risks are always there...