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Iran Getting Nervous

The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, clearly understands the game at foot. He is aware that the Neocons want to engage Iran, for that would force Russia to...

NATO Gifts Ukraine $5.5 Billion in Patriot Missiles

NATO announced that has purchased 1,000 Patriot missiles to prolong the war in Ukraine. The total purchase amounts to $5.5 billion as each missile costs around $4...

It’s The Lusitania Ploy All Over Again

The Neocons are playing with the lives of people desperate to create World War III and to entice Putin to PLEASE attack anyone in NATO. In 1915, Germany took out...

Ukraine Cannot Pay Govt in 2024 Without Billions from the West

Most do not realize that the West has been funding Ukraine’s entire government. Biden and other world leaders have promised Zelensky that they would fund the...

Has Europe Just Committed Suicide?

Europe has laid the groundwork for World War III and the destruction of Europe as a whole, all to save its failed fiscal management of the economy. Using the...

Egypt Offers Hamas a Peace Deal

Egypt has attempted to remain neutral amid the Israel-Palestine war. The nation was one of the first in the region to secure its own border and deny refugees. But...

Civilian Always Die in War – War is Hell

COMMENT: You overlook all the civilians being killed in Ukraine and in Palestine. LS ANSWER: As they say, history is written by the victor. I do not know what...

A Political Disaster – 2024 will be Worse

COMMENT #1: This is in regards to your blog labeled “Homelessness at All-Time High in World’s Wealthiest Nation.” My wife tried to get her Aunt, who has...

Germany Deploys Troops to Lithuania

Germany is sending troops on a permanent deployment to a foreign nation for the first time since World War II. Germany had agreed to deploy troops to Lithuania back...

What Kind of American Are You?

COMMENT #1: Are we being forewarned? This is a trailer of a new movie to be released April 26, 2024. Can you believe this? [some trailer] Civil War |...