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Russia Prepared for NATO Invasion

The West has decided to turn this into an all-out war to completely destroy Russia once and for all. Moscow has been put on high alert and air defenses are being...

Nuclear War to Save the Plan

COMMENT: Great article about Nuclear War and saving the planet. You forgot to mention Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The “science” says both cities should have...

Why do Neocons Want War with Russia?

  Lindsey Graham is the twin brother of John McCain. I had asked John McCain once why he hated Russia so much. He never responded with any reason. It was...

PRIVATE BLOG – Beware the War in Ukraine – WWIII Has Begun

PRIVATE BLOG – Beware the War in Ukraine – WWIII Has Begun Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or...

Beware the Plot Behind Interest Rates

  Sometimes you need to look behind the curtain before you understand the real trend. It is true that Federal Reserve officials are committed to fighting...

Stirring the Pot For War

Many people have written in and asked why have I been unable to convince governments to avoid war. Quite frankly, they think they can win and more importantly, they...

Twice as Many Civilians Always Die v Military

War is never a ONE-SIDED affair. People get frustrated and will often seek revenge personally on both sides of any conflict. These people who point to Russians as...

The Real Cost of War

COMMENT: Good Morning Mr. Armstrong, a long-time reader and client of Socrates and your conferences. I just read your entry for Belarus drafting 18 to 60-year-olds....

Belarus Drafts Every Male 18 to 60 for the Inevitable War

    Belarus has issued a Draft for all men 18 to 60 years old. This war that our leaders are determined to create is going to be beyond anything...

It Turns Out that the CIA Has been Behind Sabotage Attacks Inside Russia

Every time we post something on the CIA the Links Go Crazy...