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Why Arab Mercenaries Fight for Russia

Yemen is the largest humanitarian crisis that no one discusses. As I mentioned: “People are not driving around with “We Stand With Yemen” bumper stickers, and...

Neocon of Vietnam War Repents

Robert McNamara (1916 – 2009) was a leading Neocon that pushed the country into the Vietnam war.  He was famous for saying: “I learned early on never...

Is Zelensky Negotiating Peace in Bad Faith?

There is serious concern that Zelensky is not negotiating in good faith and he is doing precisely the opposite of what he claimed he would do if elected. Why does...

Ukraine & Russia Peace Talks – Will Sanctions Be Lifted?

While the news is spinning this as Russia is losing for they are now negotiating, there is a lot more going on behind the curtain than people suspect – this...

The Coming False Flag – Chemical Weapons?

The greatest fear I have is that Zelensky will be desperate to create a fake attack on his own people like everyone else has done to push their agenda. It would not...

PRIVATE BLOG – It Was A Wild Week – Look to 2023

PRIVATE BLOG – It Was A Wild Week – Look to 2023 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

Hunter Biden’s Laptop – Funding Bioweapons in Ukraine

Hunter Biden’s Laptop is the gift that keeps giving. It has now surfaced that Hunter did help finance a US military ‘bioweapons’ research program...

The Doomsday Jet

The Neocons have accomplished their objective. They dethroned Trump and installed the senile president who will go down in history as the President that began World...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Inter-Governmental War This Weekend!

PRIVATE BLOG – The Inter-Governmental War This Weekend! Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Intergovernmental War

PRIVATE BLOG – The Intergovernmental War Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...