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Poland Itching for a Fight With Russia

Polish General and Chief of Staff Andrzejczak Rajmund Tomasz  clearly seems to relish the thought of waging war against Russia for the sins of the Communists. He...

Crude Oil & War

QUESTION: With all the chaos on the war front, do you see oil ever making new highs? DD ANSWER: Just about all the key markets are showing important shifts in...

The Four Powers Aligning

COMMENT: Marty, you have been spot on. North Korea, China, and Iran are banning together with Russia. What you have laid out is basic common sense. The ancient...

Taiwan Reaffirms Independence on National Day

Taiwan’s National Day address was in stark contrast to the message put forth by China for its CCP anniversary. Xi Jingping of China used his national holiday to...

The Drone Wars

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you previously said the US would find it difficult to actually defend Taiwan. I would greatly appreciate if you could elaborate on that...

PRIVATE BLOG – UAE & Middle East War

PRIVATE BLOG – UAE & Middle East War Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Cycle of War Technology & Fate of the EU

QUESTION: I hear that the F16, introduced in 1978, is obsolete in today’s modern war. Do you have any information on this? Have we entered the day when swords...

Medvedev’s Warns Are Not Taken Seriously by the West

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has called for Russia to adopt a more aggressive stance against the West in light of the ongoing war in Ukraine. Medvedev...

North Korea & War By 2025

North Korea has threatened to use nuclear weapons if the US threatens its sovereignty. South Korea does not possess nuclear weapons but is protected by the United...

NATO threatens North Korea

North Korea has come out and denounced NATO’s condemnation of military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, warning that the entity could face...