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We are Headed into War

There is clearly a new Cold War that has begun between China and the United States which is not going to end nicely. This is the direct result of this Politically...

China – Sanctions & War

QUESTION: Marty; Now Lindsey Grahm is calling for sanction against China. This is starting to seem like the war drums are beating. What do you think? WH ANSWER: I...

China v Gates – Spinning the Conspiracies

There are two schools of thought running around. One blames China for experimenting with Bat Viruses and insist that this was not intentional, but a leak from the...

Are We On The Verge of War?

Russia has been testing the US defenses since this coronavirus began. US fighter jets intercepted a pair of Russian military aircraft as they entered into the...

The Future & the Destruction of Capital Formation

QUESTION:  Hi Martin – I have followed your blog for a long-time now. I enjoy reading a different viewpoint and somebody pointing out problems that...

US Deterrent Against War was Our Economy – Not Nukes!

The most important threat that Bill Gates has done is he has invited war. He has so weakened the economy of the West that he has placed the West in the very same...

Iran & War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, your forecast for Iran back in 2012 has been correct. It picked 2016 which in January the International economic sanctions on Iran were...

Nanotechnology & the Next Soldier

Both the United States and China have been in a new military arms race that has not made the headlines. While there are all sorts of conspiracy theories running...

Coronavirus Conspiracy to Eliminate Paper Money?

Many people are starting to question why this coronavirus has been whipped up into a major panic when the annual flu kills far more people. Perhaps they have...

Northwoods & Cycle of War

This particular Cycle of War is the combination of two models: 1) international war, and 2) domestic civil unrest. This is the first time these two models have...